Getting Started Guide

Last updated about 5 years ago

Getting Started: The LeadFuze Platform 🚀

Welcome aboard!  

When you sign up with LeadFuze, chances are you’re signing up for a free trial, a test drive to see if LeadFuze really helps you generate more leads and opportunities. 

The Getting Started Guide is designed to help you understand sales development, the product, and get the most value out of LeadFuze.

What is Sales Development?

Sales Development incorporates all of the processes you and your sales team do at the top of the funnel to research, prospect, and qualify leads. Depending on your organization or business, this could be a specialized role on the sales team (SDR or BDR) or part of the workflow for sales reps or even marketing. 

What is Outbound Sales?

There are two strategies to acquire leads and customers: inbound or outbound. Inbound sales means prospects enter your pipeline through your website, your content such as blogs or case studies, social media, etc. Outbound sales, the type of sales you’ll be doing with LeadFuze, means you’ll be targeting prospects and reaching out to them directly. 

What can I do with my free trial?

During your free trial at LeadFuze you have complete access to the software + 20 free prospects. 

You can:

I’m ready to get started, what should I do first?

We’re glad you asked! Get started with LeadFuze in a snap with these 3 Steps:

Step #1 Prospecting & List Building

Prospecting is the process you go through when you’re identifying and creating potential lead lists based on your target market.  So whether you’ve been researching on LinkedIn, working with a data provider, or buying lists, LeadFuze can replace (or supplement) these processes and increase your top-of-funnel pipeline.

To get started, download the Chrome extension. Then from the LeadFuze dashboard click the Start Prospecting button. Add the details about your target market and LeadFuze will return an advanced Google search. You can also use the LeadFuze’s list-building extension to search and add prospects directly from LinkedIn. 

As you find relevant prospects you can add them to Lists in LeadFuze. Our software does the heavy-lifting by finding validated contact information for your prospects. 

Learn more about the different ways you can add prospects and existing contacts to LeadFuze. 

Step #2 Email Sequences 

Email sequences in LeadFuze are automated email campaigns that are sent in a series of personal follow-ups. When a prospect is added to your email sequence they will continue receiving your automated follow-ups until one of three things happens: (1) a prospect responds in your inbox (2) a prospect unsubscribes or (3) the prospect completes your sequence.

Create your first sequence in LeadFuze by going to Sequences --> Create Sequence.

We added a few sample sequence templates for you to get started with, but you can also create custom templates using merge tokens. 

In order to get the most value out of your prospects, we recommend a sequence have a minimum of 4 steps. Learn more about improving your outbound sequences here. 

Once you’ve added your sequence, you’re ready to create a schedule for your sequence to start sending the first email in your sequence to new prospects.

Step #3 Scheduling

Even though you’ve already created your sequence’s follow-up schedule, how long you want to wait between sending automated follow-ups, to start sending a campaign you still need to create a schedule. Creating a schedule in LeadFuze is the last step required to start sending your campaign to new prospects.

When you are ready to start sending, go to Scheduling --> Create Schedule.

Choose the list you want to send from and the corresponding sequence. Add the amount of prospects you want to include in this schedule. We recommend getting started between 30 - 50 emails to new prospects a day. 

Based on your schedule, sequences continue going out to new prospects as long as there are prospects in the selected list that have not been emailed. 
BOOM! You’re all set. Once your schedules are created, your sales development is on auto-pilot with LeadFuze. All you have to worry about from here is following-up with responses and keeping your lists full. 

Need Help? 

Have questions? Want to make sure you’re on the right track? 

There are 3 ways to get help with LeadFuze:

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