How does LeadFuze help me succeed?

Last updated over 4 years ago

How do you measure your success? 💸

We know that time is money when it comes to your sales process. Like any new tool you want to measure your success and understand the ROI of being a customer with LeadFuze. While LeadFuze reporting helps you keep track of cool statistics like open and response rates and even a/b test the effectiveness of your campaigns - we know this isn't how you'll measure your success and that is why we don't measure it that way either. 

What does success with LeadFuze look like? 

Success with LeadFuze means increasing your top-of-funnel pipeline with qualified leads AND improving your workflow. Sounds good, right?  We think so too!

Assuming you:

  •  have a useful product at a reasonable price point 
  •  have identified product/market-fit 
  •  have an effective process for closing deals 
You can build a predictable pipeline of growth using LeadFuze for prospecting and outbound sales. By tracking your sales process or integrating your CRM you can measure your Lead to Opportunity Conversion Rate and your Lead Conversion Rate. This means how many prospects generated with LeadFuze are qualified and of those qualified leads how many convert to revenue. 

Outlined below are a few things to expect in your first 3 months and a few additional top-of-funnel metrics that will contribute to your overall success.

Month 1

You spend your first month setting up the system and starting your first sequences. Depending on the length of your sales cycle, it's likely you won't be able to tell how many prospects created with LeadFuze convert to qualified leads. You can also think of this metric in terms of how many opportunities you're able to identify with the leads from LeadFuze.  Your main measures for success in your first month are: 

  • Prospects Added: how many prospects can you add and find validated contact information for with LeadFuze.
  • Open Rates: for most industries a benchmark open rate for cold B2B email is between 14% and 23%, with great results being 30% and higher.
  • Response Rates: for most industries a benchmark response rate is between 10% and 30%.

Month 2

By the second month you have more data on how many qualified leads or opportunities you've generated with LeadFuze. This is called your Lead to Opportunity Conversation Rate. By understanding this data, you start to understand how many leads you need to generate with LeadFuze in order to reach your pipeline goals. 

  • Lead to Opportunity Conversion Rate: for most industries building lists with LeadFuze, you should be able to qualify a minimum of 30 - 40% of your responses.

Pro Tip! If you're unable to qualify prospects at the rate of your industry's average you can: 

  • Refine your prospecting strategy based on insights from qualified leads generated in your first month. Are there any unique attributes about the prospects that were qualified? Can you use that data to refine your prospecting efforts? 
  • Revise the content in your sequences to test new templates, calls to action, and subject lines. 
  • Revisit your follow-up pitch and/or process. 

Month 3

By the third month you have mastered the LeadFuze product. Because your sequences are automated, your main workflows in LeadFuze are adding new prospects and answering responses in your inbox. Through integrated CRM reporting, you will start to see predictable patterns in your pipeline. As leads created with LeadFuze start converting or dropping out of your middle/bottom of funnel process, you can measure your Lead to Conversion Rate. 

  • Lead to Conversion Rate: for most industries, you should be able to convert between 30 - 50% of your qualified leads. 
If your Lead to Conversation Rates are below industry averages, the usual suspects for improvements are to rethink the way you've been targeting prospects, revisit your messaging or sales content, or to examine your follow-up and closing process. 

What is Customer Success at LeadFuze?

At LeadFuze we care deeply about the success of our customers. While some of our success strategies are aimed at implementing and understanding LeadFuze software, we also take a hands-on approach in making sure our customers' strategies and campaigns are successful. 

We take a proactive and results-driven approach in working with our customers to share product knowledge, industry tips, and best practices. 

Meet the Customer Success Team

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