Why is LeadFuze more expensive than other email tools such as MailChimp?

Last updated over 4 years ago

Because we don't have an army of cartoon gorillas that get paid in bananas of course. ;)

MailChimp is a fine company, so is Drip, ConstantContact, and other Email Service Providers (ESP). BUT MailChimp and the other ESPs don't do what we do.

They are good when you've already spent the months and years building a list and getting prospects to find you and say "yes send me info".

How many of those do you have? Want more?

Of course you do, everybody wants more leads right?

LeadFuze is Outbound prospecting software, meaning we help you FIND the leads as well as email them.

If we all waited on people finding us, we'd most likely go out of business.

So instead of having to use one tool to find leads, another to verify them, and a third to email them you can use LeadFuze to do all three!

Minimize the tools you use, MAXIMIZE the leads you generate.

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