How do I create a "manual store" in ShipStation?

Last updated about 6 years ago


Zentail allows you to sync all supported channels with ShipStation. This means Zentail can send orders into your custom ShipStation "manual stores".

For example, let's say you want Zentail to send all of your merchant fulfilled orders into ShipStation, and you want these orders to appear in ShipStation in a Store called "" that only displays your orders. To do this, you simply create a manual store in ShipStation called "", and then select that store in the dropdown menu that appears below each selected channel in the Channels section of your Zentail integrations page. (Guide beginning at step 10).

Recommended Configuration

In order to be most organized in ShipStation, we recommend creating a manual store in ShipStation for each of your channels that are managed by Zentail. You can also create one manual store in ShipStation called "Zentail" which all channels are assigned to in Zentail. Click the link below for a how-to guide.

How to create manual stores in ShipStation

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