Going Live with Each Marketplace (Channel)

Last updated over 6 years ago

To Go Live/Launch with Walmart, follow these steps:

  1. Request an invite to sell on Walmart Marketplace.
  2. Kickoff Walmart Marketplace Onboarding: confirm your "readiness to onboard".
  3. Invite Zentail as a user in your Walmart Seller Center portal.
  4. Complete your 'launch checklist' which includes your Seller Profile configuration, sales tax configuration, and bank account configuration.
  5. Assign Walmart Product Types (categorization).
  6. Connect your Walmart account in Zentail.
  7. Address product listing errors in Zentail to ensure your SKUs flow through to your Walmart portal.
  8. Submit a case in Walmart's Seller Center to request test orders.
  9. Conduct your order testing.
  10. Complete your Walmart Seller Center checklist and set your Walmart integration card in Zentail to production mode

To Go Live/Launch on Jet, follow these steps:

  1. Apply to sell on Jet.com
  2. Invite Zentail with Manager Access to your Jet Partner Portal.
  3. Connect your Test API credentials in your Zentail Integrations page.
  4. Make sure your Warehouses in Zentail are linked to the proper Jet Fulfillment Node.
  5. Conduct the Test API process in your Jet Partner Portal and Zentail.
  6. Set your Jet Integration to "Production Mode" in Zentail.
  7. Optimize your SKUs in Zentail for quick Jet Review.
Let us know if you need assistance getting started on Jet or Walmart!

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