How to Export a Batch

Last updated about 5 years ago

Label Batches are useful when preparing to ship a large number of orders. It allows you to create multiple labels at once. 

  1. In the Orders section => Click the "Batchable" status on the left sidebar
  2. If you want to sort by SKU, you can enter the SKU in the search field on the top right of the page.
  3. Click the checkbox on the top left of the "Sales Orders" table or manually select which orders you want to include in the batch
  4. Click the "CREATE LABEL BATCH" button that appears on the top of the page.
  5. You will be taken to the Label Batches page, you should see the batch with your orders in it.
  6. Wait until the status column changes to a "PURCHASE LABELS" button, then click the button.*
  7. If necessary, confirm the service level for each order (note there may be multiple pages to look through) => Click "PURCHASE LABELS" button
  8. Wait until the status for the batch becomes "Complete"
  9. Click the 'download' icon under the right-most "Combined" column for the most recent row that was created to view and print your batch.
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