What is the process for going live with Magento version 2.1.x?

Last updated over 4 years ago

Zentail supports multiple versions of Magento. Make sure that you've communicated with a Zentail representative which version you use. If you use a version that begins with 2.1.x or higher (i.e., please follow the instructions in this article. If you use a version that begins with 1.x (i.e. 1.14.00), please reference the following article: What is the process for going live with Magento version 1.x?

Please note: For Magento2, we only support an integration with version 2.1.x and above (i.e. no 2.0.x). This is due to a technical constraint with Magento2 that were only corrected in later versions.

Instructions for configuring a Magento 2.x / Zentail integration:

  1. On Magento, login to the admin panel, navigate to System -> User Roles
  2. Create a new role called zentail and ensure that the top-level Sales and Products options are checked (this should check all of the children as well.)
  3. Save the role and navigate to System -> All Users
  4. Create a new user, username: zentail, and some long random password (http://passwordsgenerator.net/sha256-hash-generator/)
  5. Make sure the user role zentail is assigned to the new user and save that.
  6. Go to https://www.zentail.com/integrations and select the appropriate Magento card.
  7. Enter the info in the zentail card, leaving inventory feed disabled. Save Settings.
  8. Work with your contact at Zentail to run the bulk action to import the listed statuses
  9. Once thats done, enable inventory sync, save settings,  and you are good to go!
Note: We will send inventory AND pricing for all SKUs listed to Magento

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