Download and understand the Buy Box Report from Zentail

Last updated over 6 years ago

When competing with other sellers on the same listing, it is very valuable to understand where you stand relative to the buybox for that listing. Zentail has a report to that allows you to view the Buy Box breakdown of your catalog on a per SKU and marketplace warehouse. 

Download the report

To download this report from Zentail, you should take the following steps:
  1. Go to the import / export page on Zentail.
  2. Under the first tab, "Run Existing Reports", select "Product Sales Reports" 
  3. Select the Buy Box Report 
  4. Follow the steps to Generate (Download) the Report
  5. You can access this report in the "Prevoius Exports" tab 

Understanding the Buy Box Report

You'll have information for each SKU set to "List" for a given channel. If a SKU is not set to "List", it is not likely that we will pull in any buy box data for that SKU. Below is a definition of each header from the Buy Box Report:

SKU- This is the SKU in your catalog for which the buy box data applies.
item_price - This is the price at which your SKU is available for sale. If you are using Zentail's repricer, this is a dynamic field and may change as we reprice for this SKU.
min_price - In order to use Zentail's repricer, a minimum and a maximum price must be in place for that SKU. This is the minimum price on file for this SKU.
max_price - In order to use Zentail's repricer, a minimum and a maximum price must be in place for that SKU. This is the maximum price on file for this SKU.
30 day sales - This column reports the total numer of sales for this SKU in the previous 30 days.
quantity - This is the total quantity available for this SKU across all warehouses.
Inventory Update Time- This is the last time Zentail updated the inventory for this SKU. The update could have been through an import, from a warehouse integration (like FBA), or manually through the User Interface.
[Marketplace (Your Store Here)] Price -  This displays your SKUs price on Amazon. If you have a price override in place for Amazon, then this price will be different from your item_price. If you are managing your Amazon price outside of Zentail and are not regularly pulling it in to Zentail, it may be different than your item_price. Otherwise, this price would be the same as your item_price.
[Marketplace (Your Store Here)] Last Had BuyBox - This is the date and time that your SKU last had the buy box on Amazon.
[Marketplace (Your Store Here)] Max Lowest Price in 30 days - This is the greatest amount the lowest landed price has been for this SKU over the previous 30 days.
[Marketplace (Your Store Here)] Min Lowest Price in 30 days - This is the lowest amount the lowest landed price has been for this SKU over the prevoius 30 days.

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