Using Merchant or 3PL Fulfillment in Addition to FBA

Last updated over 6 years ago

In the event that you only fulfilled using FBA or only merchant fulfilled orders, it is likely that your SKUs are not MERGED.  Merging is a process in Zentail designed to keep your SKUs standardized across channels while allowing you to use multiple forms of inventory within a single SKU.

Using Merchant or 3PL Fulfillment in Addition to FBA

  1. You will most likely want to use your FBA SKUs going forward on all Channels
  2. Request a Zentail Specialist to add a new warehouse based on your needs. Please include fulfillment and warehouse integrations.
  3. Enter your Merchant fulfilled inventory into each relevant FBA SKU:
  4. There are 4 possible scenarios that you may fall into :
    1. If Product Data is ENABLED on a per SKU basis we will automatically create new MF SKUs with a +MF+ at the end of the SKU in your seller central
      • For example if you have FBA SKU: ABC in Zentail, we will create MF SKU: ABC+MF+
    2. If Product Data is DISABLED on a per SKU basis, you can either*:
      1. Option 1: Create a +MF+ SKU on seller central and we will link to the SKU (The SKU convention must appear exactly as you see in the example above) or
      2. Option 2: Enable Product Data on a per sku basis - NOTE: This will overwrite Amazon listings with data in Zentail
    3. If Product Data is disabled on an Account Wide basis, on the Integrations page proceed with Option 1 in the previous step.
    4. If Product Data is enabled on an Account Wide basis, on the integrations page your +MF+ SKUs will automatically be created for you. Note you should not enable product data without consulting with a Zentail specialist.
  5. ENABLE inventory sync so that we can send your Merchant Fulfilled inventory to your channels of interest.
  6. If you would like only your FBA listings to be available for purchase until you go out of stock choose "auto-flip FBA to MF" on the Amazon integrations page. For more info please see: Auto-Flip FBA to MF. This option lets you have 1 listing on an ASIN instead of two and allows you to fulfill with MF inventory while you await inbound FBA shipments.
  7. Finally, Adjust your Warehouse Priority Settings and Warehouse Channel Overrides

Important to Note:

  • You should only see +MF+ SKUs in Seller Central - Orders for these SKUs will be routed to the corresponding FBA SKU in Zentail
  • For more information on product data sync please see this FAQ
  • You should not enable product data without consulting with a Zentail specialist.
  • Inventory Sync: We only send merchant inventory to Amazon. FBA inventory is not controlled by Zentail. 
  • Inventory that is sent to all other channels is determined by: Warehouse Priority Settings and Warehouse Channel Overrides
*Recommended Workflow:
  • Create +MF+ SKUs directly in Amazon initially and allow Zentail to link with these SKUs. For a single SKU that does not get too many sales enable product data sync, thus overwriting product data and see how the listing changes. We will create the +MF+ listing automatically in this case. If the overwrite goes well you are welcome to try this option with more SKUs. This does simplify your ability to manage product data as it means that you will be able to control product data for these SKUs in Zentail. Note this does not apply if you have Product Data disabled on your integrations page. Always check with a Zentail specialist before changing product data settings on the integrations page.

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