I just started using Zentail, how do I continue listing products to Amazon?

Last updated about 5 years ago

ASINs Already Exist:

  • Creating SKUs in Bulk: 
    • You can email support@zentail.com your most common flat file templates so we can build a bulk upload template in Zentail that you can use to create SKUs in Zentail that have all the required attributes (Amazon Item Type, Amazon Product Type) to generate ASINs.
  • Creating SKUs individually in Zentail: 
    • You can create each SKU in Zentail and then all the data will flow through to Seller Central FBA. You can create a product group in Zentail if that's the nature of the group of SKUs. You'd need to go into Seller Central to complete your shipment to FBA.
  • Creating SKUs directly in Seller Central (useful for FBA SKUs):
    • You can create each SKU in Seller Central, when inventory arrives with FBA and your SKU is "active", your SKU will flow into Zentail automatically but it will be missing some pieces of data that Amazon does not provide programmatic access to (non-primary images, description).
ASINs Don't Yet Exist:

  • Creating SKUs individually in Zentail: 
    • You can create each SKU in Zentail and then all the data will flow through to Seller Central FBA. You can create a product group in Zentail if that's the nature of the group of SKUs. You'd need to go into Seller Central to complete your shipment to FBA.
  • Creating SKUs in Bulk: 
    • You can email support@zentail.com your most common flat file templates so we can build a bulk upload template in Zentail that you can use to create SKUs in Zentail that have all the required attributes (Amazon Item Type, Amazon Product Type) to generate ASINs.
  • Creating SKUs directly in Seller Central:
    • You can create SKUs individually in Seller Central or using Amazon's flat file template to upload directly into Seller Central. When inventory arrives with FBA and your SKU is "active", your SKU will flow into Zentail automatically but it will be missing some pieces of data that Amazon does not provide programmatic access to (non-primary images, description).

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