How do I send a price, title, or description overrides to a specific channel?

Last updated over 3 years ago

Sometimes it's helpful to send a different price or title to a specific channel.

How to set a Price, Description and Title Overrides on a per channel basis through the User Interface:

  1. Select a SKU
  2. In the Channels section of the left product sidebar => Click "ADVANCED OPTIONS"
    Image 2016-07-28 at 12.45.45 PM.png 39.38 KB
  3. Enter your desired value in the Sales Price, Description or Title Override field => Click "UPDATE & PUSH"
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  • The description override field does accept HTML!
  • You can enter video URLs with HTML formatting in this section

How to set a Price, Description and Title Overrides on a per channel basis through a Bulk Import

  1. Create a Template with the following fields*:
    • SKU
    • Price Override
    • Title Override
    • Description Override
    • Others
  2. Export this template
  3. Fill in the Override fields
  4. Re-upload the CSV into Zentail using the same template you created
*You should include a field for each channel you want to enter in an override for. 

Note, these options will display your company name and channel name; For example, "[Company] Walmart Title Override"
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