Change Master SKU in a product group

Last updated about 4 years ago

When creating product groups, we sometimes rush through the process in order to get the SKU's in the catalog. It's important to note that the Master SKU in a product group generally shows up as the default product when searched on an e-commerce channel. So if this is important to you, it's important to be able to have the appropriate SKU assigned as the "Master". Not to worry, we have built in the flexibility to set different SKU's as the Master product after a group is already created!

To  do so, please follow these directions:
  1. Go to your Catalog page
  2. Search for the SKU you want to assign as the Master.
    1. Alternatively, you can search for any SKU in that product group and open the "Edit Product Group" option to view all the SKU's in the group.
  3. Once you have the SKU selected that you would like to assign as the Master, click on it to open the left-hand, menu
  4. Click on the three-vertical dots on the left hand menu
  5. Select, "Set as Group Master Product"
  6. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm:

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