Error Message: No item found with the Given SKU (Walmart)

Last updated over 3 years ago

We get this error from Jet for the following most common reasons:

  • when you initially push a new SKU it may not be recognized until all product data is "ingested" by Walmart.
  • there are special characters in your Title, Description, or Bullets which are not accepted by Jet. 
  • there is not enough data provided by Zentail for the SKU to be accepted by Jet.
  • The shipping or package weight is missing
To identify affected SKUs and resolve the error for each:
  1. Go to your Listing Errors page
  2. Select Walmart from the "All Sources" dropdown.
  3. Click the SKU value in the SKU column to open up a Catalog browser tab for that SKU.
  4. Review the data in Zentail to make sure everything is okay
  5. You can also download a product listing report for Walmart or this error type by click Download View
If the issue persists, please contact us via the in-app message feature or

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