Error Message: You are attempting to change an identity attribute for this SKU.

Last updated over 6 years ago

  • Error Message: You are attempting to change an identity attribute for this SKU. To proceed, please delete this SKU and recreate the SKU with the appropriate identity attribute. For more information and detailed instructions, see:
  • Summary: You have product details in Zentail that do not match the details that Amazon has on file for this SKU. Amazon thinks you're listing to the wrong ASIN or is trying to prevent you from possibly updating this ASIN with incorrect data. Unfortunately, Amazon does not provide enough context to easily identify the specific information that they are taking exception to. From our experience, it has to do with a UPC conflict (i.e. your UPC does not match theirs).
  • Solution:
    1. Confirm this is the correct ASIN to list your SKU to.
    2. Look through the product data in Zentail and see if there's anything trivial that deviates from the information on the ASIN page. If you feel comfortable making a minor change to your data in Zentail to resolve this issue, then go for it and monitor the SKU to make sure it gets listed.
    3. Alternatively, you can create an Alias SKU.

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