Why can't I search for my product on Amazon?

Last updated over 5 years ago

If you're not able to find your product on Amazon, we first suggest checking for errors within Zentail. If you have any critical issues or anything marked as an "Error" (as opposed to "Warning"), this could prevent Amazon from listing your product or creating an ASIN.

There are a few instances when you'll discover that your product is tied to an ASIN, and if you go directly to the URL you can see your product listed and available for purchase. However, if you were to search for that ASIN on Amazon or in your Amazon store, it does not appear. There are a few reasons this couldĀ  happen:
  • The listing is suppressed for various reasons
    • We generate daily suppressions for your account which can be downloaded from your import data page under Previous Imports
    • You can view the SKUs being suppressed and make any necessary changes in your Zentail account
  • This is categorized in the sexual category which makes it unsearchable
    • Amazon may do this automatically based on keywords in your title, bullet points, and/or description
    • To correct this, you should edit your listing to ensure it is not mis-categorized and contact Amazon support
  • This is set as a private listing and requires a link/URL to access
    • Please note that we do not support this function and is something you would enable directly through your Seller Central account

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