What's the recommended workflow for adding new SKUs?

Last updated almost 5 years ago

SkuVault and Zentail both agree that, because Zentail manages the most comprehensive product data,  Zentail is the ideal location to add SKUs. 

Adding SKUs in Zentail first

SKUs added in Zentail will flow into SkuVault along with all attributes that SkuVault accepts. Please be sure to include your Brand and Vendor ("Supplier" in SkuVault) values in Zentail. These fields are case sensitive so it's important to make sure the value matches exactly with the associated value in SkuVault. If the Brand or Vendor does not yet exist in SkuVault, Zentail will create it for you.

Adding SKUs in SkuVault first -- limitations

SKUs added directly to SkuVault will flow into Zentail but only with SKU and Quantity.

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