Why are some of my SKUs not flowing through to my Walmart account?

Last updated over 4 years ago

Step 7

Walmart has certain requirements when "ingesting" SKUs in our feed. For example, all SKUs must have a Shipping Weight and Walmart Product Type.

Here's how to maximize the # of SKUs accepted by Walmart:

  1. On the Dashboard in Zentail => Scroll down to the Product Listing Errors section => Click "VIEW RECENT ERRORS"
  2. Click the "All Sources" dropdown => Select Walmart
  3. Read each of the messages and click the SKU value in the SKU column to take action on each issue
  4. You can also download the product listing errors page by clicking "Download View"
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From the Catalog:
  1. Click the "Channel Errors" section
  2. Click the white 'triangle caution' icon
  3. Review the issue(s) -- you can click each to access more information
  4. Provide the required information and save your edits
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In this example above, Walmart is expecting a value for the following attributes which can be edited directly in Zentail in the "Channel Attributes" tab once you click the blue "EDIT" button for a given SKU:
  1. Animal Breed
  2. Swatch Images
  3. Age Range

Related reading: What is the process for going live with Walmart Marketplace?

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