How to get started?

Last updated over 4 years ago

How to get started

The camera should be set up to view the ball flight after it leaves the bat or club. In the proper setup, the ball is hit in the bottom-right (or bottom-left) corner of the frame and flies out the opposite side.

Figure 1 – Ideal field of view where the ball flies from one side of the image to the other.


To achieve this field of view, the camera should be several feet in front of the impact location and 6-12 feet away from the ball flight line, with the camera parallel to the flight line.

Figure 2 – Camera setup diagram


Blast Vision needs to know the distance between the camera and the ball flight line. The user is expected to measure this distance as accurately as possible and enter it into the “Camera Distance” setup screen. A measuring tape is recommended, although a club or bat of known length may be used. The user should measure from a point on the ground immediately under the camera straight ahead to the ball flight line. Measure the distance straight ahead on the ground, not the slant distance from the camera height or the distance to the ball.

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